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Covid 19 Protocols at the dental office


To keep everyone safe we have implemented new protocols in the dental office that will change your experience a little bit. Thank you for respecting them and helping us to stay open.


Arriving at the dental office

Only come to your appointment if you :

- do not have any covid symptoms

- have been isolating from people with symptoms

- are wearing a mask

Come to the door of the office with your mask on and ring the bell on the right of the door. Our staff will come open the door and ask you to sanitize before taking a seat in the waiting room where your temperature will be checked before the dentist or hygienist sees you.


During your appointment

Thanks to our sanitizing protocols, it is safe for you to remove your mask in your operatory room. The air is purified between each patient with appropriate fallow time and then the room is completely disinfected before receiving another patient. Please put your mask back on upon exiting the room and going back to the waiting room area.


Using the facilities

You will be able to use the washrooms as they are cleaned after every usage, please notify reception so we can start the disinfection protocol.

As per the new safety guidelines we have had to remove all "unnecessary" items from the office. This means we unfortunately can not offer you magazines anymore or crayons to keep the younger ones busy.


What is fallow time?

During an aerosol-generating procedure (AGP), high concentrations of droplets are created, which may contain infectious viral particles. Fallow time is the amount of time, measured in minutes, needed for these droplets to settle or be cleared from the operatory. Fallow time begins when the patient and all clinical staff have exited the operatory and close the door. The operatory MUST remain vacant during the fallow period necessary to achieve 99.9% removal of airborne contaminants based on air changes per hour (ACH). At the end of the fallow period, the operatory is cleaned and disinfected, prior to treating the next patient.

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